Faculty of Economics
The Faculty of Economics distinguishes itself by its international networking and the extensive scientific research profile.
With more than 20 professors and internationally known scientists, we work in interdisciplinary and professional teams on content-related developments in globally relevant topics such as Smart City, Industry 4.0, Renewable Energies and Total Plant Management.
We have students from all over the world and live from intercultural exchange. In order to familiarize our students with up-to-date knowledge and the latest methods, we continuously ensure the quality and quality of our education in bachelor's and master's degree programs as well as for doctoral projects.
Prof. Dr. habil. Markus Mau
Tel. +41 61 511 89 - 05
Fax. +41 61 511 89 - 06
Prof. Dr. habil. Markus MauDean |
Prof. Dr. Horst LangQuality management, |
Prof. DDr. Dr. habil Bernhard F. SeyrMicroeconomics, Macroeconomics, |
Prof. Dr. Ralph KauffmanSupply Management |
Prof. Dr. habil. Nicole MauMarketing, Commerce |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan RecknagelAfter Sales Service, Supply Chain Management, Business Resilience |
Prof. Dr. Csilla ObádovicsSocial Research Methods in Practice, |
Prof. Dr. László KulcsárRural and Regional Development, Development Sociology, Academic Research Methodology |
Prof Dr. DBA Lucky YonaFinance, Accounting |
Junior Professor Katharina Oestreicher, LL.B., MICertified Compliance Officer, |
Prof. Ass. Dr. Matthias WiemersFood Law |
Dr. Juliane FalzmannQuality management |
Dr. h. c. RA Marion SchusterSpecialist attorney in labor law |
Prof. Dr. habil. Friedrich Schade MBABusiness Law, General Business Administration |
Dr. Thorsten LobensteinControlling and balance sheet analysis |
Dipl-Kffr. Sybille GeitelCorporate Communications |
Dipl.-Kfm. Peter FalzmannIT-Management |
Prof. Dr. Johanna TeliepsSustainability management, |
Prof. Dr. Michael D. B. MunkumbaLeadership and Corporate Management, Corporate Governance, Change Management |
Prof. Dr. Raja Suzana Raja KasimBusiness Economy |
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dietmar ErnstCorporate Finance, Quantitative Finance, Risikomanagement |
Prof. Dr. Dr. Joachim HäckerCorporate Finance, Quantitative Finance, Derivate, Data Analytics |
Michael Werber MBAInstitutional economics |